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Dobson Sebastian: A Much Recorded War: The Russo-Japanese War in History and Imagery

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 112) Аннотация: At the dawn of the twentieth century, the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) became a worldwide political focal point. The war, marked the rise of Japan as a world power, paved the way for the Russian Revolution, and made Theodore Roosevelt the first American ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. It engaged the fervent attention of Asia, Europe and the United States — so much so that the Milton Bradley…

Hornby N.: Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs and Some Other Things:

Скачать книгу (размер 1 054 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 208) Аннотация: Interspersed with charts, graphs, and various crossword puzzles, A Book of Evil Marauders, Purple Blobs, and Some Other Things... features some of today's best authors spinning new tales ranging from the spooky to the strange. George Saunders tells the story of a father who takes caution to dangerous extremes in Lars Farf, Excessively Fearful Father and Husband. In ACES by Phone, a small boy…

Adams Douglas: Life, the Universe and Everything

Скачать книгу (размер 1 217 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 240) Аннотация: Join Arthur Dent, earthling, jerk, kneebiter and time-traveler; sexy space cadet Trillian; mad alien Ford Prefect; unflappable Slartibartfast; two-headed, three-armed ex-head Honcho of the Universe Zaphod Beeblebrox... and learn to fly. Is it the end? With Douglas Adams it's always up in the air!

Adams Douglas: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

Скачать книгу (размер 1 299 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 256) Аннотация: «The Washington Post Book World Facing annihilation at the hands of the warlike Vogons is a curious time to have a craving for tea. It could only happen to the cosmically displaced Arthur Dent and his curious comrades in arms as they hurtle across space powered by pure improbability — and desperately in search of a place to eat. Among Arthur's motley shipmates are Ford Prefect, a longtime friend…

Adams Douglas: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Скачать книгу (размер 1 136 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 224) Аннотация: Back on Earth with nothing more to show for his long, strange trip through time and space than a ratty towel and a plastic shopping bag, Arthur Dent is ready to believe that the past eight years were all just a figment of his stressed-out imagination. But a gift-wrapped fishbowl with a cryptic inscription, the mysterious disappearance of Earth's dolphins, and the discovery of his battered copy of…

Giovanni Joseph: Irving Gill

Скачать книгу (размер 1 299 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 256) Аннотация: Architect Irving J. Gill (1870 — 1936) is widely considered the first and preeminent architect of the Modernist era. In her groundbreaking work, Five California Architects, Esther McCoy asserts that, along with Bernard Maybeck, Charles and Henry Greene, and R.M. Schindler, Gill is one of California's most important architects. As one of the most influential architects of the late nineteenth to…

Bartlett Rosamund: Chekhov: Scenes from a Life

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2) Аннотация: What made Chekhov tick? What served as a source of creative inspiration in his life? In answering these questions, Russian scholar Rosamund Bartlett focuses on the writer’s intimate relationship with the places where he lived and traveled—Taganrog and the southern Russian steppes, Moscow, Petersburg, Siberia, the French Riviera, and Yalta. By looking at his life through the prism of these…

Clarke Susanna: Jonathan Strange and Mr: Norrell

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2) Аннотация: Two magicians shall appear in England. The first shall fear me; the second shall long to behold me The year is 1806. England is beleaguered by the long war with Napoleon, and centuries have passed since practical magicians faded into the nation's past. But scholars of this glorious history discover that one remains: the reclusive Mr Norrell whose displays of magic send a thrill through the…

Ran Levy-Yamamori: Garden Plants of Japan

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2) Аннотация: A colour encyclopedia providing an authoritative overview of the Japanese garden flora.

Henning Mankell: The Return of the Dancing Master

Скачать книгу (размер 2 360 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 464) Аннотация: This is the new thriller from the internationally bestselling author of the Kurt Wallander mysteries.

Alexander McCall Smith: In the Company of Cheerful Ladies

Скачать книгу (размер 1 172 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 231) Аннотация: Precious Ramotswe, that cheerful Botswanan private investigator of 'traditional build', is well-known to millions across the world through the best-selling No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. Those who have been following her exploits in five previously published novels will soon be able to savour the next instalment, in which, as usual, circumstances are never as straightforward as they seem…

Philip Roth: The Plot Against America

Скачать книгу (размер 1 988 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 391) Аннотация: In this alternate history, Pulitzer Prize winner Roth considers what it would be like for his Newark family — and for a million such families all over the country — during the menacing years of a Charles Lindbergh presidency, when American citizens who happened to be Jews would have every reason to expect the worst.

Hunter S Thompson: The Rum Diary

Скачать книгу (размер 1 136 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 224) Аннотация: Paul Kemp has moved from New York to the steamy heat of Puerto Rico to work at the Daily News. He starts hanging out at Al's Backyard, a local den selling booze and hamburgers to vagrant journalists who are mostly crazy drunks on the verge of quitting. Then he meets Yeamon, whose delectable girlfriend has Kemp stewing in his own lust. But the idle tension that builds up in places where men sweat…

Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer Detective

Скачать книгу (размер 565 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 112) Аннотация: Twain's two most famous creations, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, are reunited for a high-spirited and engaging tale of mystery and murder in deepest Arkansas. When Tom and Huck are invited to stay on Tom's uncle's farm in Arkansas, they jump at the opportunity to escape the tedium of a long winter at home. A chance encounter on a steamboat downriver, though, leads to a complex plot of diamond…

John Le Carre: The Constant Gardener

Скачать книгу (размер 2 452 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 482) Аннотация: «The Constant Gardener» is a magnificent exploration of the new world order by one of the most compelling and elegant storytellers of our time. The novel opens in northern Kenya with the gruesome murder of Tessa Quayle — young, beautiful, and dearly beloved to husband Justin. When Justin sets out on a personal odyssey to uncover the mystery of her death, what he finds could make him not only a…

Sharpe Tom: The Midden

Скачать книгу (размер 1 789 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 352) Аннотация: Timothy Brights doesn't exactly live up to his name. Brought up to regard copious flows of money as his birthright, he can't understand why the funds have been cut off, nor why friends he recruited as Lloyds' Names no longer want to talk to him. When gambling fails, Timothy turns to embezzlement, but it's the lesser offence of helping himself to some strangely aromatic tobacco that propels him up…

Sebold Alice: The Lovely Bones

Скачать книгу (размер 1 666 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 328) Аннотация: Now in paperback: Alice Sebold's luminous first novel — one of the most celebrated literary debuts of recent seasons — that builds out of a family's grief the most hopeful and joyful of stories.

Merriam-Webster: School Dictionary

Скачать книгу (размер 6 521 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 1280) Аннотация: A dictionary written to help the high-school student succeed. 100,000 entries. More than 1,000 revised illustrations. Abundant word history, synonym paragraphs, and examples sentences.

Salomoni Antonella: Lenin and the Russian Revolution

Скачать книгу (размер 809 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 160) Аннотация: In February 1917, the centuries-old empire of the Czars collapses. Eight months later, revolutionaries under Lenin's leadership, take power. Few would have gambled on this government of inexperienced militants against a force of armed counter-revolutionaries sustained by the West. But mobilization of the people, the power of the Red Army and political police, the experience gained during the war…

Edward Gorey: Gorey Cats: Address Book

Скачать книгу (размер 554 Kb , формат fb2, страниц 110) Аннотация: Decorated with Edward Gorey's unicycling puss in a rugby jersey, this little blue address book is pretty on the outside, handy on the inside, with 112 pages and space for over 400 names, home addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers. The page edges are alphabetically indexed (additional cats appear within), while the smart red wire binding lets the book lie flat (or even fold back), and the…